This episode we're back with Decibel Magazine writer Chris Dick to discuss the recent Hall Of Fame entry he penned for Dimmu Borgir's seminal Death Cult Armageddon album.
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Finishing up our Hypocrisy coverage, spotlighting their more recent work from 1997-2009. We do exclude a few of their albums from the 90s, since...
Mantas' Greeting“In League With Satan” 7”, In League With Satan 7” (1981) 3:00 - Talkset #11:13:31 - Mantas1:26:53- Tom G Warrior1:33:50 - “Venom”, Impulse...
Cleveland's best kept secret, Keelhaul are this weeks featured artist. "360", Keelhaul II (2001) 5:31 - Talkset #119:54 - "Fuimus", Keelhaul (1998)24:31 - "Enervate",...