Dream Death / Penance

Episode 251 June 19, 2021 05:51:11
Dream Death / Penance
Dream Death / Penance

Jun 19 2021 | 05:51:11


Hosted By

Mark Rudolph Jason Hundey

Show Notes

Dream Death, "Hear My Screams", Journey Into Mystery (1987)


Talkset #1a

- Brian Clip #1

- Mike Clip #1

Talkset #1b

- Mike Clip #2

Dream Death, "Sealed In Blood", Journey Into Mystery (1987)

Dream Death, "Black Edifice", Journey Into Mystery (1987)

- Mike Clip #3

Dream Death, "Divine in Agony", Journey Into Mystery (1987)

Dream Death, "Dream Death", Journey Into Mystery (1987)

- Brian Clip #2


Talkset #2

- Brian Clip #3

Dream Death, "Back From the Dead", Journey Into Mystery (1987)

Dream Death, "The Elder Race", Journey Into Mystery (1987)

Dream Death, "Bitterness & Hatred", Journey Into Mystery (1987)

- Brian Clip #4

Dream Death, "Born to Suffer", Ode to Sorrow (1988)

- Mike Clip #4


Talkset #3

- Brian Clip #5

- Mike Clip #5

Penance, "The Unseen", The Road Less Travelled (1992)

Mike Clip #6

Penance, "Visions", Parallel Corners (1994)

Penance, "Reflections", Parallel Corners (1994)

- Mike Clip #7


Talkset #4

- Mike Clip #8

Penance, "Words Not Deeds", Parallel Corners (1994)

Penance, "Destroyed By One" Parallel Corners (1994)

Penance, "Bitter", Proving Ground (1999)

Penance, "Drown Me...", Alpha & Omega (2001)

- Mike Clip #10


Talkset #5

Penance, "Wizards of Mind", Alpha & Omega (2001)

Penance, "Longsuffering" Spiritualnatural (2003)

Dream Death, "Them", Somnium Excessum (2013)

Dream Death, "You’re Gonna Die Up There", Somnium Excessum (2013)


Talkset #6

- Brian Clip #6

Dream Death, "Dissemination", Dissemination (2016)

Dream Death, "In Perpetuum", Dissemination (2016)



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