Our first 2-part episode -- another Norwegian act this week... Enslaved. This week we're also trying out doing some 2 part episodes, and Enslaved is easily a 3 part show, so be prepared for a glut of viking-themed Nordic metal.
Samtalen (Talkset) #1
18:36 - "Lifande Lif Undir Hamri" (Living Life Under the Hammer), Vikingligr Veldi (In the Viking Veld) (1994)
26:32 -"Vetrarnótt" (Winternight), Vikingligr Veldi (In the Viking Veld) (1994)
34:15 - Samtalen (Talkset) #2
43:11 - "Fenris", Frost (1994)
48:48 -"Isöders Dronning" (Queen of the Ice Desolates), Frost (1994)
56:13 - Samtalen (Talkset) #3
1:03:59 -"793 (Slaget Om Lindisfarne)" (793 (The Battle of Lindisfarne)), Eld (Fire) (1997)
1:10:46 - "For Lenge Siden" (A Long Time Ago), Eld (Fire) (1997)
1:18:53 - Samtalen (Talkset) #4
1:23:38 - "Urtical Gods", Blodhemn (Blood Revenge) (1998)
1:26:59 - "Ansuz Astral", Blodhemn (Blood Revenge) (1998)
1:30:10 - Samtalen (Talkset) #5
1:34:15 - "Det endelege riket" (The Finite Empire), Mardraum - Beyond the Within (2000)
1:39:31 - Samtalen (Talkset) #6
1:40:41 - "Større enn tid – tyngre enn natt" (Greater than Time – Heavier than Night), Mardraum - Beyond the Within (2000)
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