VIO-LENCE, "Eternal Nightmare”, Eternal Nightmare (1988)
Talkset #1
Ed Repka, Michael Whelan, Pushead, Larry Carroll, Derek Riggs, Doug Johnson, Dave Patchett, Vincent Locke.
Smoulder, "Ilian of Garathrom", Times of Obscene Evil and Wild Daring (2019)
Talkset #2
Andrea Marschall, Axel Hermann, H.R. Giger, Dan Seagrave
Carnage, "Infestation of Evil", Dark Recollections (1990)
Samael, "After the Sepulture", Blood Ritual (1992)
Talkset #3
Kristin Wahlin, Paul Romano, Eliran Kantor, Mariusz Lewandowski, Travis Smith
Cemetery, "An Evil Shade of Grey", An Evil Shade of Grey (1992)
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Thrash has the Big 4, but that group is missing one of the bands that embodies the term to its core... Exodus. Always a...
Fudge Tunnel, "Spanish Fly", Hate Songs in E Minor (1991)5:24 - Alex: Godflesh (Avalanche Master Song) 6:29 - Talkset #11:09:24 - Alex: Black Sabbath1:11:08...
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