The final installment of our Judas Priest coverage, focusing on Screaming for Vengeance, Defenders of the Faith, Ram it Down and Painkiller. We left out Turbo, if you’re really interested check it out, but like Point Of Entry it doesn't really reflect the whole of their career.
"The Hellion / Electric Eye", Screaming for Vengeance (1982)
Talkset #1
"Riding on the Wind", Screaming for Vengeance (1982)
"Jawbreaker", Defenders of the Faith (1984)
"Love Bites", Defenders of the Faith (1984)
Talkset #2
"Rock Hard, Ride Free", Defenders of the Faith (1984)
"Ram it Down", Ram it Down (1988)
"Painkiller", Painkiller (1990)
Talkset #3
"Night Crawler", Painkiller (1990)
"Between the Hammer and the Anvil", Painkiller (1990)
Talkset #4
"A Touch of Evil", Painkiller (1990)
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Part 2 of our Neurosis coverage. Email us - [email protected] Support us on Patreon! Follow us on social media: Requiem Facebook Instagram @requiem_metal_podcast...
Part 3 of our Canadian metal discussion. This time we delve into the more "extreme" side of our neighbors to the north's metal cache....
Part 2 of our Best of 2011 coverage. Graveyard, "The Siren", Hisingen Blues Talkset #1 Bastard Priest, "Ghouls of the Endless Night", Ghouls of...