"Cataclysm", Tortured Existence (1990)
Talkset #1
".44 Caliber Brain Surgery", Tortured Existence (1990)
"Gelid Remains", Tortured Existence (1990)
"Infectious Hospital Waste", Tortured Existence (1990)
Talkset #2
"Hydrophobia", Tortured Existence (1990)
"Paracidal Epitaph", Tortured Existence (1990)
"Skull Fracturing Nightmare", Epidemic of Violence (1992)
Talkset #3
"Human Dissection", Epidemic of Violence (1992)
"Pyroclastic Annihilation", Epidemic of Violence (1992)
"Epidemic of Violence", Epidemic of Violence (1992)
Talkset #4
“Aborticide", Epidemic of Violence (1992)
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